Navratri Finally Begins for Me

There are certain things which are unexplainable – e.g. the usual khichuri never tastes as good as the bhog and the regular thaali will never taste as delicious as the navratrithaali . Here we begin – With the Durgapuja this week, my mind is wandering in the streets of Kolkata – Metro cinema , New…

Blu Oyster – A new Seafood fare

In current time when many of my friends are struggling at home (including my ma) and balancing home chores, care giving for near dear ones along with their professional life , I am lucky to have a few things less on my plate – which I utilize in exploring new places and new dishes. This…

The Larhmeen Experience

When it comes to Biriyani , people always talk about Lucknow , Hyderabad, Kolkata .But I say , it’s here in Bangalore. The plethora of options that we have in our city is “unparallel”. It’s here – people relish Biriyani right from 6 a.m. in the morning or perhaps even earlier. So each time I…